Saturday, June 22, 2013


Moscow is so beautiful in the summer. It's not a very friendly city in the winter when everything is snow-dirty and cold and everybody's wrapped in hundred layers of clothes, but in the summer Moscow appears in all its glory.
This photo was taken a few minutes ago (so I'm actually lifeblogging!) on Arbat, one of Moscow's pedestrian and very tourist-popular streets. Arbat is one one oldest streets in the city and it has always been a "prestigious" place to live. For example, in Soviet Russia it was the home of many high-ranking government officials.
It's a noisy crowded street with a lot of too expensive shops and different cafes (I'm sitting in one of them right now) but, while being, let's say obnoxious if you can say so about street, Arbat still has some specific charm with its ancient buildings and paving stone.
Do you like the city you live in? Do you have a favorite place there?


  1. I love Moscow in the summer. Especially all the lovely parks like Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye. Though the excessive heat is getting to me.

    I also have a question for you, I'm looking for a 50s style crinoline. Where could I get one in Moscow? Have a cute little vintage-y skirt, but it looks atrocious without an undergarment. Thanks! :)

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    2. I spent the whole day in a shopping mall just because it has an air conditioning. :D

      Thanks for the tip! I'm def going to check this place out.
